Thursday, March 18, 2010

Advanced Surveillance Technology

Pro-Grade Optics & Automatic Image Control: A Crystal Clear Picture with Great Detail
Make sure you're sitting down when you turn on your TV to see Vanguard's picture for the first time. It's been known to literally knock people off their feet! You'll see a brilliant
FULL-COLOR picture, with the same resolution as your VCR. The smart auto focus will not be fooled by glass and the automatic image adjustment features are constantly making sure you've got the best possible image regardless of where you point Vanguard or how far you push the Zoom! And, for the pros out there, we know how you like to tweak all the settings, so we've included a manual focus and iris adjustment right on the remote, along with a host of other camera settings that can be controlled using the onscreen menus.

Wide Precision Pan & Tilt: See the Entire Room . . . Left, Right, Up and Down
  • You'll See Sweeping Panoramic Views With Super Quiet Movement
  • Pan 180° Left to Right (230° total field of view)
  • Tilt 70° Up and Down (110° total field of view)
  • Control Vanguard Remotely From Up to 100 Feet Away
  • Pan & Tilt Speed Adjusts With Zoom Level For Easy Tracking

Wireless or Wired!
Of course, you can hard-wire Vanguard directly to any TV for a completely secure connection. And as a Bonus during the World Premiere, we're even including a 100 foot cable. BUT Vanguard's ability to send video up to 100 feet without that cable is what makes it so powerful. Just imagine, anywhere you want to see, simply place your Vanguard and plug in the power. It's so easy to set up! Change your mind 10 minutes later? NO Problem! Simply pick it up and move it. The power supply and video transmission work just like your other X10 wireless video equipment.

NEW Addressable Power Supply!

XCam2 X10 Addressable Power Supply
Plug your XCam2 camera into the "Scan Power" Addressable Power Supply and gain all the great functionality and fun of controlling your camera with X10 compatible remotes, or even with your computer! Easy to setup, simply set the house code for the camera; like A-8 (as shown on right); then you can set a button on your remote to turn on/off A-8 (which is the camera plugged into the addressable power supply)

VCR Commander II
Now you can set your XCam2 and VCR on auto-pilot to "Record ONLY the action" in and around your home totally hands free! It's the NEW X10 VCR Commander II Kit. Whether you're home or not, when motion is detected, this amazing product can turn on the appropriate X10 Camera and your VCR - then automatically send a "Record" command to your VCR!

Pan & Tilt ScanPad Remote Control
The Pan & Tilt ScanPad Remote allows you to scan between all your cameras using the C1 - C4 buttons. Use the "blue" arrow buttons to pan the selected camera left/right or tilt up/down. Using the P1-P4 buttons set 4 separate locations to monitor. Then by selected the "sweep" button, your Pan & Tilt Robotic Camera Base will automatically move to each position then repeat.

Vanguard Software with PC Connection Kit

Lola Direct Cable Pack

The Lola Direct Cable Kit is for use with the Lola music system and includes everything you need to connect your computer directly to your TV and home audio system. Your computer must be less than 20 feet from your TV and sound system and must have a video card with TV video output (RCA or S-Video jacks).

Complete Kit Includes:

  • 1 20ft RCA Video Only Cable (ZC17A)
  • 1 3 ft S-Video Cable (ZC19A)
  • 1 S-Video to RCA Adapter (ZC20A)
  • 1 Speaker Splitter (ZC22A)
  • 1 20ft MP3 Cable (ZC23A)

  • Add PC & Internet power to your Vanguard camera!
    With the Vanguard Internet Control Center Software, you can view LIVE video from your Vanguard camera from anywhere! Total control of the Pan and Tilt features from any PC with internet access puts a complete remote surveillance system at your command. Just one click logs you into your SECURE Vanguard Camera Network!

    • View LIVE, full-motion video!
    • See/control multiple cameras.
    • Automatically send yourself email alerts.
    • Digitally record video, stills, and motion/alarm events!
    • Create a complete history of camera activity!
    • Plus much more

    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Key Provision of the USA Patriot Act

    Sixteen provision f the USA patriot act are set to expire Dec.31 if not renewed.The senate voted Wednesday night to extent them six months.Still to be approve by the house.


    SECTION201-gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire spoken electric communication relating to terrorism.

    SECTION202-gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire spoken electric communication relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.

    SECTION2039(b)-permits the sharing of grand jury information that involves foreign intelligence or counter intelligence information officers the ability to share foreign intelligence information obtained as part of a criminal investigation.

    SECTION204-makes clear that nothing in the law regarding pen register an electronic devise w/c regards all numbers dialed from a particular phone line.

    SECTION206-Allows federal officials to issue loving "John Doe" wiretaps,w/c allow investigation to listen in on any telephone.

    SECTION207-increases the amount of the time that federal officials may watch people they suspect and spies or terrorists.

    SECTION209-permits the seizure of voice mail messages under a warrant.

    SECTION212-permits internet service provides and other electronic communications and remote computing service provides to hand over records and emails.

    SECTION214-allows use of a pen register or trap and trace devices that record originating phone number of all incoming calls in international terrorism.

    SECTION215-authorizes federal officials to obtain "tangible items" like business records,including those from libraries and bookstores.

    SECTION217-makes it lawful to intercept the wire or electric communication of a computer hacker in certain circumstances.

    SECTION218-allows federal officials to wiretaps if foreign intelligence gathering is a "significant purpose" for seeking a federal Intelligence Surveillance Act Order.

    SECTION220-provides for nationwide service of search warrants for electric evidence.

    SECTION223-amends the federal criminal code to provide for administrative discipline of federal officers or employees who violate prohibitions against unauthorized disclosure of information .

    SECTION225-amends FISA to prohibit lawsuits against people that provide information to federal official for a terrorism investigation.

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    The privacy protection


    Information on this page covers all of the "other" types of Internet security and privacy products including Ad-Blocking, Browsers, Browser Clean-Up, Cookie Managers, Email Privacy, Multiple Features, Password Manager & Form Filler, Private Browsing, Web Bugs, and Privacy Resource Sites.

    Basic Internet security measures including ISP online filters, firewall, and virus, Trojan, worm, spyware and spam protection are only the beginning. For families, software to protect kids is needed. If you keep sensitive personal information and/or documents on your computer, they should be password protected or encrypted. If you dislike the idea of companies tracking your surfing habits, you need software to erase your browser tracks and manage cookies. If you prefer to install fewer products with more features, take a look at our page on Internet security suites or other products with multiple features on this page.


    What is Computer Privacy?

    Computer Privacy
    *In general, the term privacy implies the ability to control information one reveals about oneself over the Internet and the ability to control -

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Who are the computer criminal and their object?

    [1] Computer crime can be broadly defined as criminal activity involving information technology infrastructure, including illegal access, illegal interception, systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, misuse of devices, forgeryand electronic fraud.[2]In the infancy of the hacker subculture and the computer underground,[3] criminal convictions were rare because there was an informal code of ethics that was followed by white hat hackers.[4] Proponents of hacking claim to be motivated by artistic and political ends, but are often unconcerned about the use of criminal means to achieve them. -

    {Zero-Day Attacks}

    A zero-day attack exploits a vulnerability in a program known to a hacker but unknown to the software's developer. The term zero-day refers to an attack ...

    The zero-day attack code can be leveraged to execute arbitrary code remotely and is confirmed to work on Windows XP and Vista. The flaw affecting Firefox ... (blog) - 490 related articles »
    What would I say or do?

    1. I will to my manager and co-worker that it was an accident.then I will check my IT security if it is correct and new.I will change my security system.

    2. If my friends is too genius to do that kind of crime in the computer company. I will tell the administrator for that big problem so that it will cure the virus .Then I will my very best as a worker.