Monday, January 25, 2010

The privacy protection


Information on this page covers all of the "other" types of Internet security and privacy products including Ad-Blocking, Browsers, Browser Clean-Up, Cookie Managers, Email Privacy, Multiple Features, Password Manager & Form Filler, Private Browsing, Web Bugs, and Privacy Resource Sites.

Basic Internet security measures including ISP online filters, firewall, and virus, Trojan, worm, spyware and spam protection are only the beginning. For families, software to protect kids is needed. If you keep sensitive personal information and/or documents on your computer, they should be password protected or encrypted. If you dislike the idea of companies tracking your surfing habits, you need software to erase your browser tracks and manage cookies. If you prefer to install fewer products with more features, take a look at our page on Internet security suites or other products with multiple features on this page.


What is Computer Privacy?

Computer Privacy
*In general, the term privacy implies the ability to control information one reveals about oneself over the Internet and the ability to control -

Monday, January 18, 2010

Who are the computer criminal and their object?

[1] Computer crime can be broadly defined as criminal activity involving information technology infrastructure, including illegal access, illegal interception, systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, misuse of devices, forgeryand electronic fraud.[2]In the infancy of the hacker subculture and the computer underground,[3] criminal convictions were rare because there was an informal code of ethics that was followed by white hat hackers.[4] Proponents of hacking claim to be motivated by artistic and political ends, but are often unconcerned about the use of criminal means to achieve them. -

{Zero-Day Attacks}

A zero-day attack exploits a vulnerability in a program known to a hacker but unknown to the software's developer. The term zero-day refers to an attack ...

The zero-day attack code can be leveraged to execute arbitrary code remotely and is confirmed to work on Windows XP and Vista. The flaw affecting Firefox ... (blog) - 490 related articles »
What would I say or do?

1. I will to my manager and co-worker that it was an accident.then I will check my IT security if it is correct and new.I will change my security system.

2. If my friends is too genius to do that kind of crime in the computer company. I will tell the administrator for that big problem so that it will cure the virus .Then I will my very best as a worker.